Nutrition and Economy depends on Health vs. Wealth

A London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) report released on Thursday in the medical journal, Lancet, states that "economic windfalls resulting from healthier diets in the UK would not happen in Brazil". The World Health Organization (WHO) publicizes a healthier diet for better health. By this they signify more vegetables and less meat; more fruit and fewer dairy products.

In Britain it is anticipated that this change would keep 70,000 alive longer. Diet related conditions such as some cancers and heart disease would be reduced. As a result more than $32 billion worth of British Pounds would be saved each year. Brazil already has fewer of the fast food high carb artery clogging items in its national diet. Changing Brazilian eating habits wouldn’t create the similar economic benefits.

The report imitates differences between economic inputs in developing country economies such as Brazil as resist to developed country economies like that of UK. Brazil is a meat producing reliant as well as meat exporting country. Less meat eaten by Brazilians and in those countries to whom they export beef would outlay their economy $815 million in the value of revenues lost. The loss of jobs may perhaps injure Brazilian health more than the nutritional gains.

What is best for the developed world's goose is not inevitably best for the developing world’s gander.

There are some other factors which has not been taken into account says Julian Morris, who is the executive director of International Policy Network. He considers that Asian demand for meat would take up any slack in a decline of meat imports into other countries. Morris advocates radical policy amend such as a tax or per capita allocation quotas if a drastic change is really desired.

Another analysis expressed about the study is that of Professor Robert Beagle hole, of the University of Auckland, stating"The answer can be to breed healthier cattle and pigs,"

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you, both of them depends on health and wealth. Take care of your health always. Eat the right food and exercise regularly; check out Supplements Canada now.
