Tips To Follow In Weight Loss Camp To Lose Weight

As you are exercising in a weight loss camp you also have to follow a diet plan to reduce weight. Many people exercise but they cannot resist food and so eat whatever they wish to which consumes calories and so their weight remains stable and they do not lose weight. If a person wants to reduce weight along with exercise, he/she has to follow a diet plan.

Here are a few easy weight loss tips that can help lose weight in a healthy way:

* Find out how many calories you need in a day

BMR (Basal metabolic rate) = Body weight (lb) * 15 + Moderate activity (min/day) *3.5

As you want to lose weight, your target = BMR-500 Kcal

For example, if you weight 140 lb and your daily activity is for 20 min every day. Then BMR = (140*15) + (20*3.5) = 2100 +20 = 2170 Kcal. BMR minus 500Kcal would be 2170 – 500 = 1670 Kcal. Therefore 1670 Kcal is the target in this example to losing 1 lb per week.

* Eat lots of fruits and vegetables:

Fruits and vegetables have fibers, vitamins and antioxidants. If you eat fruits and vegetables your stomach will fill fast. They are low in calories and helps to keep your calorie count low. Eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables per day.

* Do not skip meals:

Eating small frequent meals helps in balancing your calorie intake throughout the day and also keeps your blood sugar level balanced. Instead of eating 3 big meals go in for 5-5 small meals in a day.

* Eat wholesome fresh food:

Always purchase fresh foods and avoid packaged foods like fast food. Packaged foods have higher sodium and fat content. Many people are amazed that can easily lose weight by packing a home cooked lunch instead of eating out.

* Learn about food claims and labels:

A product that is labeled with a fat-free claim does not mean that it is low in calories. A product that is labeled as low sugar or low carb does not mean it is low in fat or calories. It is important that you always read nutrition label on the packaging.

* Watch out for sugary drinks:

Watch out as to how much of soda, cream and sugar do you consume in your tea and coffee. Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. It will not only hydrate your body, but also help you feel full.

* Keep a food Journal:

By keeping a food journal you can pinpoint your eating pattern which will enable you to easily modify it. If possible, have a Registered Dietitian review your journal.

If you wish to reduce weight quickly in a weight loss program you should follow above tips. These can really reduce your weight quickly.

Facts And Advantages Of Boot Camp Workouts!!

Everyone knows that meticulous workouts will do wonders to your body and your health. If you're planning to reduce your weight or want to keep your body fit, then the best choice is boot camp workouts. These work outs have very powerful and rigorous exercises, where there won’t be any rest time in between each exercise and all exercises has to be done back to back. When you exercise in such a manner it will have a great impact on each and every muscle in your body. So, the continuity in the exercise helps a great deal in firming and toning you muscles and at the same time the whole body gets an extra ordinary cardiovascular workout.

After a brief explanation about what exactly a weight loss camp exercises is, you might be thinking, why did this work out get such a name?? Yes! It is called so because the exercises which are performed in boot camp exercises are all similar to the exercise they give the employees in military training. Now you would have understood why these exercises got such a unique name for it. Trust me, these work outs are really very powerful and effective, which will help you keep your body fit and also helps reduce your weight if you are obese and help you get back to shape and stay trim.

Advantages of performing boot camp exercises are as follows:

These kinds of boot camp workouts include activities like jumping, weight lifting, doing crunches and they also do aerobics. you might think that even the other exercises have similar activities and what makes a big difference between a weight loss camp exercise and a normal one, yes!there is a lot of difference between both, the boot camp exercise is very intense and strenuous when compared to other work outs.

Boot camp workouts are the extreme calorie burners, because in these kind of exercises the lower and the upper body keeps moving at the same time, which results in burning loads of calories. Moreover, it is a type of exercise where there are no intervals or rest between each exercise, which helps a great deal in burning at least four hundred to six hundred calories in one shot. This is very useful when you’re trying to reduce your weight in a short span of time, no other form of exercise can help you achieve this.

Another major benefit of doing boot camp exercises is that, as said earlier its duration is very short but effective, you can see good difference within a short span of time. What makes them, keep going in these kinds of short and strenuous work out is nothing but competition between each other in the group. It is not literally competition but a healthy opposition. They work hard towards reaching their ultimate goal, be it weight reduction or muscle development.

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